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تخفیف‌ سراسری پاییزی

چطوری مثل یک نِیتیو اسپیکر حرف بزنم ؟

زمان مطالعه: دقیقه ۶ می ۲۰۱۷ ۱۳ دیدگاه

What should I do to sound like a native speaker?

 Wanna sound more like a native speaker ?  I’m gonna give you 4 tips :

sound more like a native speaker

Pronunciation :

The first and the most important one, is to work on your pronunciation. I see many people being obsessed with the idea of  a good accent , but the real thing is that nobody cares that much about your accent! There isn’t a good or bad accent. Everyone has an accent. Accents vary from country to country and town to town, but you must try to have clear pronunciation which a native can easily understand.

Many of you have asked me about the online dictionary I use. I’ve been using MERRIAM WEBSTER for years and I’m pretty satisfied. I suggest you use :






Collocations :

Collocations are words that normally go together. Every time you learn a new verb or a noun or a new adjective, make sure to learn if a preposition follows it or if there is a verb that goes with it. For instance we say : Make a mistake ( NOT do a mistake) or High Mountains ( NOT tall mountains) or Tall Trees ( NOT high trees)

You may think learning collocations is very difficult, but it’s not. My advice is to listen more carefully to native speakers. You may wonder how can I do that ? I don’t have any native friend around! Watch Movies and series and listen to English podcasts! Try to write down the collocations you find interesting and that will help you a lot.

You’ve godda blend ‘n reduce :

 Most of my students tell me “ I want to sound more natural when I speak English.” Well, You’ve godda blend  ‘n reduce ! Native speakers don’t articulate every word. They blend words. Let’s see how it works :

I have a lot of time this week.

Try this :

I have alloda TIME this WEEK!

Blending and reducing words creates a spoken melody that listeners like to hear. It makes you sound more natural, more friendly and more engaging.

Idioms :

Idioms are all expressions we use that are unique to English including cliches and slang. They are part of the average native speakers’ vocabulary and it gives English its character. Sometimes, it’s the best way to describe the situation you are in and it also improves your communication skills.

We have already had some good lessons about idioms here on website. You can find it here and here and also here.

 Just remember : English is fabulous and learning is FUN !

Watch the video of this post >> YEnglish on Telegram


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نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

    Dear Yalda
    Such a great teacher and adviser.
    You love teaching from your bottom of your heart.Thanks a lot for your informative advices and your joyful method of teaching.I appreciate your kindness and your efforts.

    i’ve never thought about collocations. this article was very useful. thanks dear yalda

    یلداجان چرا پست های آخری ک تو سایت گذاشتی دیگ پی دی اف شون رو نمیذارید با پی دی ف علیه لطفااااا

    Thank you for yourall advices and tips that you give us. They are useful

    Hi dear, I want to say thank you to you for website and channel, How many years did you learn English and are you living in another country?? and could you please introduce a book for learning a lot of words? Please answer to me

    Hi dear
    Thanks for your precious advice.
    Would u please name some series to follow
    Best wishes

    Dear Yalda ‘thank u so much’. Where should we use (the) in sentence?… For instance , we should use (the) for all plural names?

    Hi my dear. I watched the video. It was amazing and very helpful indeed, especially the blending part. Wow. For things like blending aren’t any good books? In our institute we work on American accent training. To tell the truth I myself haven’t read it yet. But they say my accent is good. But I think its not enough. I gonna make my English perfect this summer. I think I need to learn many words and idioms. Your website is inspiring. Yalda , u used to talk about good books u have read. Could you please tell us(teachers) which books u seggest to improve our general LNG abilities? I know every book is a way to success… But I think if u suggest us some books We would be more inspired.
    Your heart is so pure…. I admire your feelings for us… U really care about your followers… Its like we are like a big family.
    Love u

    Dear Yalda
    Thank you so muchchchc for this website It makes me motivate to learn more English
    Having you beside us is a motivation, It doesn’t matter how I am tired but I still find time to read your postes
    Wish you “courage” for your carrier and bonne continuation 😉

    Hi Yalda jan. I have an off topic question, I would appreciate it if you take time to answer it. As a teacher-wannabe I have to ask you which books you would recommend to be taught to beginners, and also to the intermidiate and upper-intermediate students? Thank you loads, in advance.
    BTW you are doing a great job with the channel and the website. I’m really inspired. Thanks for that 🙂

    My advice is to work with different coursebooks to see which one is ur favorite. Mine is Headway and American English File.

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